The National Quality Standard (NQS) is a key aspect of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and sets a national benchmark for early childhood education and care, and outside school hours care services in Australia. Children’s education and care services covered under the Education and Care Services National Law are assessed and rated against the NQS. Ratings promote transparency and accountability and help parents assess the quality of education and care services available.
Services covered by the National Quality Framework have been assessed and rated against the seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. The assessment and rating process aims to drive continuous quality improvement for services and provide families with better information for making choices about their children’s education and care. The overall rating for a service is determined by the combination of the ratings achieved in each Quality Area.
Every service receives a rating for each quality area and an overall rating.
Betty Spears Child Care Centre was assessed and rated as Meeting the National Quality Standard in June 2018

Please see here for a link to our NQF Ratings Chart at the ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority’s) website.
Please see below for the Summary Comments from our National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Report. A full copy of our report can be emailed to you on request.
Your service is acknowledged for its achievements in meeting the National Quality Standard and striving for quality outcomes for children. In particular, educational program and practice, relationships with children, and partnerships with families demonstrate the commitment to quality by the approved provider, educators and staff.